[Note – in preparing this lesson, I discovered a lovely blog that I will return to again:  A Human Doing]

Book of Mormon lesson #23 (2 Nephi 2)

As I read the first four verses of this chapter, I again tried to imagine what young Jacob’s life must have been like.  His older brothers must have seemed like classic pirates – the kind who could be remarkably cruel and vicious, yet also loved a good time…and loved you too IF you were part of the party.  Jacob had experienced this (speaking of pirates):

Image result for walter rane nephi ship

(I think Laman’s back is to us.  He has just struck Nephi, and/or perhaps is giving orders. Lemuel might be the figure behind Nephi.  Or is he the one facing us, enjoying the revelry and the storm, having a grand time?  One of the sons of Ishmael, perhaps.)

On board:  AFFLICTIONS AND CHALLENGES  Have your had any?  How about the people you know?

Hold that affliction in your mind as we go through the Lord’s revelation about the purpose of and possibilities within the afflictions we face.

Questions for discussion:

  • What questions might people have as they experience affliction?
  • What are the causes of affliction?
  • What in particular caused Jacob’s afflictions?
  • How does Lehi counsel Jacob to respond to the hard things in his life?
  • Principle?
  • How in the world can affliction be consecrated for your gain?  (made holy so that you grow?)
  • Can you apply that to the challenge that you thought of at the beginning of the lesson?

Share this story from Elder Jose L. Alonso’s recent conference talk.  He tells the story from the point of view of Ted, the father of young Cooper (3:23 to 8:15) :


My thoughts:  Like young Jacob, I have had things happen in my life that have caused me to feel like a helpless child,  forsaken and alone.  I have had conditions that simply don’t go away.  There is nothing to do at those times but to go through it.  The choice in front of me is to go through it alone and become bitter and blinder OR to place my hand in the Lord’s, trust him, and go through it with peace and growth.  In the latter way, my sight and understanding is increased and my character becomes more steady and reliable (I think).  I feel more at home with Heavenly Father.  As a result, the problem itself (whatever it may be) becomes a holy experience.  A life of ease will never shape me into the person that God intends me to be.  It simply can’t.

Like Lehi, I have also watched my children suffer things that I could not stop.  I have seen them suffer abuse and sorrow.  Lehi knows that although he could not stop the affliction, the Lord would make everything alright.  Through their trials, I pray that my children will come to behold their Redeemer, in the same way that Jacob did.

Next Topic:  The Fall 

Conditions of the Fall – taught by Lehi in verses 22-25.  List on board, together what you find.

Use Elder Holland’s story of the brothers who climb together without gear:


  • If you had been in the older’s brother’s place, what might have been going through your mind?
  • Make a connection between this story, your life’s story, and the Fall of Adam and Eve.

The Rescue:

  • If you had been in this situation, what feelings might you have had for the person who had saved you from falling?
  • 2 Nephi 2:26 – Who saved us
  • 2 Nephi 2:6-10 – look for phrases that show how the Atonement of Jesus Christ rescues mankind in general and each of us individually from a fallen state.
    • Physical Death/Spiritual Death
    • For all/for those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit and believe in Him
    • All men and women will be brought to stand before God (v. 10).  This is incredibly clear.
    • Law has both Happiness and Punishment attached, in opposition, at the extremes.
  • Principle?   The Atonement of Jesus Christ redeems all mankind from the effects of the Fall of Adam and Eve.
  • Isn’t it an honor to take part in the rescue?  How can we do that?  Temple work, missionary work, loving-our-family work, church callings.

Journal Glue In:  How Do You Thank a Guy Like That?

“Some time ago there was an interesting article about mountain climbing in a medical magazine. …

“The article was about a man named Czenkusch who runs a climbing school. … Czenkusch was describing to the interviewer the belay system in mountain climbing. This is the system by which climbers protect themselves from falls. One climber gets in a safe position and secures the rope for the other climber, usually around his or her own body. ‘You’re on belay,’ means, ‘I’ve got you. If something happens, I will stop you from falling.’ It is an important part of mountain climbing. Now note what followed next in the article: ‘Belaying has brought Czenkusch his best and worst moments in climbing. Czenkusch once fell from a high precipice, yanking out three mechanical supports and pulling his belayer off a ledge. He was stopped, upside down, 10 feet from the ground when his spread-eagled belayer [Don] arrested the fall with the strength of his outstretched arms. “Don saved my life,” says Czenkusch. “How do you respond to a guy like that? Give him a used climbing rope for a Christmas present? No, you remember him. You always remember him”’ [Eric G. Anderson, “The Vertical Wilderness,” Private Practice,‍ November 1979, 21; emphasis added]” (“The Grace and Mercy of Jesus Christ,” in Jesus Christ: Son of God, Savior,‍ ed. Paul H. Peterson, Gary L. Hatch, and Laura D. Card [2002], 48).

Some Final Questions:  Cut these out and assign to pairs.

  1.  What do you think are some of the positive, or fortunate, consequences  of the Fall?
  2. The phrase “till the earth” means that after Adam and Eve were driven from the garden, they and their descendants have had to work to obtain food.  How do you think work helps us progress in Heavenly Father’s plan?
  3. How would having children help Adam and Eve become more like Heavenly Father?  In what ways are families important in Heavenly Father’s plan?
  4. How can the opportunity to experience joy and misery help us progress in Heavenly Father’s plan?

Journal:  How has your eternal progress been shaped both by the Fall of Adam and Eve and the Atonement of Jesus Christ?

My thoughts:

I am fallen.  Definitely.  I have faults that I see and work on, but what’s crazy is that I have faults that I still don’t even notice.  Sigh.  My plan of action is to be as kind and generous to everyone else about their faults as I can (especially my family!) and hope that they will return the favor.  That’s part 1 of my plan.  Part 2 is to set goals and work on them.  I currently have 10 smallish goals and affirmations that I am working on.  And yes, even though I don’t really believe in checklists, I believe in this one.  Part 3 is to repent daily, to invite the Savior into my life, and to ask for His help with part 2.





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